
Japanese books

This portfolio assignment includes the creation of an infographic about Andragogy and the exposition of a learning scenario which features its principles.

Andragogy: An Infographic

You will herein find the infographic I created. I made it using Inkscape and LibreOffice graphic libraries.

Below you will find a learning scenario for this theory.

Andragogy: The art and science of adult learning

Learning Scenario: Andragogy

Alicia is at the end of a recruitment process for a middle-management position at the Spanish branch of a Japanese multinational company. Although she has other job offers, she feels that this one is the best professional opportunity for her and a job she would really enjoy, so she wants to make sure that she gets it.

She has always liked learning new languages and being able to communicate with people from other places whenever she went abroad. Since her recruiter has told her that there will be an hiatus in the process during the summer, she has decided to make the most of the available time and study Japanese.

Formal vs. Informal Learning: Due to her other obligations and the fact that there is no Japanese learning center near her home or her current workplace, Alicia has decided that she will study at home using various resources: flashcard apps, Japanese news media, text books, pen-pal networks, movies… The learning will therefore be informal.

Self-Concept: She knows that the last interview will be with a manager from the Japanese headquarters, and she wants to impress them. Also, she will enjoy her work more and have better chances of promotion once hired if she speaks the language.

Adult Learner Experience: Although Alicia is Spanish, her English is fluent, so she can use Japanese-learning resources for English speakers that she finds on the Internet. It is also easier to find Japanese pen-pals who speak and write English than Spanish. She is also familiar with business situations, so her learning will be directed towards a workplace environment.

Readiness to Learn: She has two clear objectives in mind. The first one is to get the job, and for that, she has to impress her Japanese interviewer. But she also wants to have a working level of the language so that she can interact with her Japanese workmates and team-work with them. She has to be able to have meaningful conversations in a social setting as well as in a business environment. She knows what will be expected of her once her knowledge is public, and she wants to comply with those expectations.

Orientation to Learning: The application of her new skill will be immediate, so her aim is, at the end of the summer, to be able to communicate herself in Japanese, rather than being perfect at the task. She intends to be able to perform in many different situations, and then she will perfect the language with practice and more time.

Motivation to Learn: The hiring decision will be taken in three-months time, and it might be life-changing for Alicia. That acts as a strong motivation for her to make the most of the available time and resources. Besides her general interest in foreign languages, she feels that her professional future is at stake.


Photo by Robby McCullough on Unsplash.